Monday, January 23, 2012

Shakespeare for the Sabbath-Observer

Yesterday, which conveniently happened to be Sunday and thus lent itself so nicely to my alliterative title, in true Sabbath style my apartment invited some people over for dinner. Dr. Burton mentioned that it would be easy to find Shakespeare everywhere, and I've been surprised at how true that has been. This episode of sharing Shakespeare meaningfully just fell into my lap with no effort (besides making dinner). Upon mentioning that I was taking a Shakespeare class, I found that the uncle of 3 of our guests taught Shakespeare and that they themselves had taken Shakespeare at BYU, which led to a discussion of said topic, which eventually turned more into a discussion of digital learning when we started talking about the pros and cons of using blogging as a educational tool. I also found out that one of my friends, whose high recommendation for the class led me to consider taking it in the first place, is planning to go see the Merchant of Venice on Saturday, and so we decided to go together.


  1. So, question: did you actually eat the meal depicted in the picture? Because if you did, awesome. I love roast potatoes, Yorkshire puddings, etc. I guess I'd need to double check to see if they were around in Shakespeare's day, but they definitely are popular still today in England. Ok, I just checked, and I guess things like Yorkshire puddings, at least, didn't really get big until the 1700s. But it's still good. And, if you didn't have it, we could totally do so because I know how to make them. Maybe I should bring in some to class sometime, or something like that. Maybe to the play...

  2. Yes Yes Yes! I like that idea. To answer your question, no that wasn't what we had--we made homemade Cafe Rio which was also excellent, but I didn't have a picture of it unfortunately, and this picture seemed to go more with the theme of Shakespeare. But I completely agree that we ought to have Yorkshire pudding some day. That'll show Kent for eating in front of us...

    1. Done. Let's plan it out sometime. Should we go small or big?
