Thursday, January 5, 2012

Shakespeare for the Sweaty

  • I'm not exactly sure what this learning plan is supposed to look like, but here are my rough thoughts for things I might do to learn Shakespeare this semester.
  • Thinking while running is one of my favorite things to do; in fact its why I like to run in the first place--I never ran in high school, and I'm not a fast or dedicated runner by any means. But when I run it allows me to get away from whatever task or chore or assignment or problem has been consuming my thoughts and focus on something else. I like to analyze every aspect of my life while running, everything from relationships to the Sunday school lesson I'm preparing to a tricky school assignment to what I'm going to eat for dinner. My best planning and scheming takes place while I run, which is at least partially due to the fact that I have time to think and ponder while running while the rest of my day is spent frantically rushing from one activity to another. I also wonder if it may be because there is extra blood flowing to my brain. I feel like I retain things I think about while running better, and whether that's true or not, I like to memorize things while running. So in thinking about how I wanted to learn about Shakespeare, doing it while running seemed like a perfect medium. Running affords opportunities to discuss, analyze, and memorize, all of which seem like appropriate activities for Shakespeare.
  • 1. Gain Shakespeare Literacy
    -read lots of Shakespeare’s works
    -study in depth "Much Ado about Nothing"
    -watch "Much Ado about Nothing"
    -look for and blog about references to Shakespeare in daily life
    -listen to Shakespeare while running?
  • 2. Analyze Shakespeare Critically

    -Blog about what I learn about Shakespeare from class, from online reading, and from talking with other people.

    -Analyze Shakespeare while running

    3. Engage Shakespeare Creatively
    -memorize Shakespeare while running
    -do some presentation about Shakespeare and running?
    -blog about running and Shakespeare
  • 4. Share Shakespeare Meaningfully

    -Share Shakespeare with running partners

    5. Gain Digital Literacy

    -Research Shakespeare and running

    -Create and maintain my blog

    -Comment on other people's blogs


  1. So, I was like 99% sure that I commented on this particular post over the weekend, but apparently it didn't go through...? Anyways, so if two pop up, sorry for being a broken record :). Just wanted to say that I think it's way cool that you are incorporating Shakespeare into running! I'm a runner too...well, a conditional runner. When it's not cold, I run :). Anyway, definitely agree that it's the best time to think things through! Excited to see how this turns out!

  2. Man, you're good at blogging! I like how personal you make it because when I read this, I could tell you are a real, legit person, not just a robot throwing words on a computer screen, haha. I love how you incorporate running into your plan. Genius :)
